Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's all YOU Baby!

I was not feeling it today. I couldn't seem to pick the right category or decide quite what to do. I have a bunch of stuff on the back burners, but I'm not ready for those yet. I had no real inspiration. Just feeling a little blah about today's post.

In walks my husband and I share my plight. He says "You've got a million pictures at Disneyland and tons of people shots..." So true!

So I start going through all my Disney pics and realize that my kooky husband IS my inspiration. He poses for me all the time. Fun stuff that makes me smile. Why not make HIM the star today? It was his idea, right? 
Whether he's up for it or not, here goes. 

Here are his qualifications: 

He is a character and he's the guy with the kind face. In my book, he gets the job.
Wouldn't you hire this man?
 He's everybody's pal.
Number one Disney Pal
 He's a comedian.
 He can dress it up
Your HAT sir!
You can trust him with the money.
or can you?
He gets along with the kids.
Let me help you with that ice cream little boy.
He really enjoys the rides
or not.
He's a pillar of support
He's always got your back.
He's got nice legs.
Those turkey legs are so tasty!
He will defend my honor
He'll fight the toughest bugs
All in all, he blows me away.
What a trooper
Thanks for making me laugh, Honey. It's one of my favorite things to do.

I think I'll keep him.