Rebeca Greene Photography

Friday, May 16, 2014

Strip Search

This is blog #2 of our Vegas Road Trip. I suppose I could have posted all pics at once, but that would have been BLOG OVERLOAD. If you are a glutton for punishment and want to check out blog #1 that covers the first part of our journey, our groupie stops and food intake, click here: Vegas Baby

To recap, we stayed on The Strip at the Paris and needed to cram all the new things to see along with our old favorites into two easy feat. We walked in every direction, camera in hand, day and night, to experience, document, preserve and share our memories. We came across a lot of fun and beautiful things.

The first night we went out to check out the sights and the lights and, to our surprise, all the lights were off for a once-a-year "Let's save some energy for an hour" deal. REALLY, on a Saturday night??? Couldn't you do it on a Tuesday or something?

Vegas Unplugged
We went over to the Bellagio to see the light show up close and we waited, and waited, and waited....Nada!

Bellagio Black Out
That's More Like It
We checked out the new attraction, The High Roller @ The Linq. A giant Ferris Wheel that holds 40 people per car and goes around super slow (once around takes an hour) so you can have a cool party. Big bucks - No thanks!

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning
Slow-Moving Party Balls
We ran across a whole cast of characters.

Bert & Ernie

Me & My Minion

Tartan Man
There were also some half-naked people, but this is a G-rated blog.

Bumble Bee
Hotels were beautiful on the outside.

City Center
And on the inside.

A Curtain of Light

Crystals Everywhere

Crazy Bar Chandelier

Sorry,  so cool I had to show it twice
I think most of these fabulous blingy things were at The Cosmopolitan.

The Colors....Beautiful!!!

Some Centerpiece, Huh?

Dandelion Lights
Even McDonald's was blinged out.

Only in Vegas
We enjoyed the art

You know I Like Bugs

And what Girl doesn't like Shoes

A Little Interactive Fun

Seeing Eye to Eye

Just a Few Flowers on the First Floor

Quite the Bakery

Interesting...I Like the Eye Ball Particularly
Mostly we just cruised around and had fun together.

Hey, Honey, Can you turn on the Light?
And spent a little moolah. Well, not here.

Counting His Dough
Then we headed home. And just like our trip, the sky was fabulous. 

Space Ship Clouds
I now see that putting our whole trip into only two blogs was no easy feat either. I had a ton more pictures, but I don't want to bore you. Maybe another time.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Vegas Baby

Let me back track. In January we got a new/used car. It's been a really long time since we had new wheels. So Billy says, "Let's go on a road trip!" And that's what we did...Vegas, Baby!!!!!

It's been years since we went to Las Vegas and there were so many new things to see. Hotels, restaurants, attractions and some places we've seen on TV that we wanted to see in person. We stayed at the Paris and walked, and walked, and walked some more. We would go out and do a journey in one direction then come in and take a siesta and then go out again in another direction. So much fun.

First we drove across the beautiful desert and listened to old tunes along the way. Just hanging
with my baby.

Desert Blues
Our first stop was, actually, my cousin's in Henderson. We had lunch, then dinner, then karaoke, wine and laughter, then stayed the night, had breakfast, then moved on down the road. Great times.

Remnants of a Wonderful Evening
The first thing on the agenda was to visit The Pawn Stars. We just missed a taping (we were next in line...AAARRGH!), but oh, well. It was still fun.

Big Fan

Championship Rings

Mt. Pawnmore
This one was just a drive-by.

Just a Drive By
We drove around sort of looking for Count's Kustoms, but never found it. On the last day, this one was an accidental find in the shops at the Rio.

Yeah, Right!
Then off to the City of Lights for some...



Down Time

Night Life
Oh, and the food!!!

Taking a Bite Out of Vegas
We ate like kings. While we were always on the prowl for a new place to dine, this is one of our favorite places and we had to eat here again.

Mon Ami Gabi at the Paris
Scallops, Steak & Frites, Cauliflower Puree, Hungry Man
On another night we really treated ourselves and went to Nobu - $$$$. We had amazing food and a wonderfully romantic evening.

Nobu at Caesar's 

Black Cod with Miso
Look at this cute couple.

Me and My Man
Actually had never tried these. Needed to see what all the hype was about.

Sprinkles Cupcakes
We opted for the novelty of getting our cupcakes from the ATM.

Making a Withdrawl
 They were pretty good, too.

Cupcake Monger
For our last meal before we hit the road back to reality, we went for hash, which is my favorite breakfast food.

Hash House A Go Go at the Rio
This was mine. I picked something I couldn't get anywhere else.

Meatloaf Hash
Billy's was amazing to look at and yummy to boot. This is some kind of Bananas Foster Pecan Maple French Toast Brulee Madness.

Can You Say, "WOW!!!"

Look at the Eagerness in his eyes
I am realizing this blog has been taken over by food and I might be losing my audience here. I think I will split this adventure in to two parts and show you more of the sights in Vegas in the next blog.

Stay tuned for the next saga.