Rebeca Greene Photography

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Time Marches On

THE END IS NEAR!!!  Maybe not tomorrow, but, then again, I'm not Mayan...I'm Inca.

The "end" I'm talking about is another year coming to a close and here we are, one year older and, if we're fortunate, maybe even a little wiser. Your age is more than just a number. It's the sum total of what you've learned over the years, how much of that you actually apply in life divided by your attitude. Attitude is everything. If you think you're old, then you're old. I like to try and defy my age every chance I get.

Do you act your age? Sometimes I do and sometimes I act like I'm twelve. They say you're only as old as you feel. Well, some days I feel like I'm a hundred. Of course, there are days I could do cartwheels, but I'd probably break a hip.

Older things are not only interesting. They have character and a story, but they can also be beautiful. Therefore, today's post is dedicated to the old, the aged and to lovely things that are past their prime.

This rose is not going to win any prizes, and, yet, it still caught my attention.

Still interesting and beautiful
I found this old pair of shriveled figs quite photo-worthy as well.

A shriveled pair

A chair with character
This sign has seen better days

How much work have these seen?
This next one is not a great picture technically, but I just had to post it.

Sweet old Glady
These next few were taken the last weeks of Annie Oakley's long life. What a sweet, beautiful dog she was.

Just Resting

Dreaming of her younger days

Hi there!

She got up to say hello

And then there's old Missy who stays safely on the couch by daddy while her two little whipper-snapper sisters wreak havoc on the floor.

Safely above ground level
Dog's best friend?

Ole Ironsides
Notice, I did not add a picture of myself. Go ahead, Billy, make fun.

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