Rebeca Greene Photography

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Back to reality

Vacation over, leftovers consumed, back to work. Yah...Mule!!!! Can you hear the whips cracking in the background? Fun's over.

I had such plans for my days off. Vacations aren't for just lazing around. I must be productive or I've just wasted those precious moments I dream about when I'm working. I knew my "To Do" list was longer than I could possibly handle, but I figured that I would just write everything down and use it as a guideline. I'm a list-maker. If I don't write it down, I may forget to do it at all. And crossing off entries is such a satisfying feeling. Aaah, accomplishment!

So, I drafted my ambitious list and promptly put it somewhere I would never look at it. Not on purpose. It just sort of happened that way. Over the week, I did all sorts of things that felt right at the moment and when I finally came across my "To Do" list on the last day, I saw that I had only done one thing on it. Good Heavens!!! I still had time, so I quickly managed to start a couple of those forgotten projects so I could feel good about myself. Not that I didn't get anything done up till then. I just had to cross things off. I know, I'm sick.

Before I get fully back to that reality, I thought I would share some "unreal" pictures that aren't truly what they appear to be. Some tricks of the eye.

Me and the Idaho Babes hanging at the beach. But wait...there's no beach in Idaho! And, where are our lower extremities?

Girls on the Beach
I found this tiny "palm tree" at one of my pools and put in on "sandy landscape".

Palm Tree in the Sand
I was driving along and this "moose" caught my eye. There's not too many moose in Thousand Oaks. It was just a jagged branch on a tree.

Moose on Fence
I found this thoughtful "man" in my net one day.

Man in Net
See the cute little "dog" I found in one yard?

Fuchsia Dog
I discovered a beautiful "dress" in the rocks.

Rockin' Dress
More strange rock formations.

Okay, this one is just fun.

Ride 'em Cowboy
You are now leaving Primeval World....back to the real world, where people work and you dream about your next vacation.


  1. Awesome Becks, You are amazing with your photography and what you see..Love and Miss you <3

  2. Why, thank you!! Love and miss you too!

  3. This picture of Uncle Bill cracks me up!

    1. Isn't he a HOOT!?!?!?! This was taken a million years ago in Florida.
