Rebeca Greene Photography

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's Tough to be a Bird

I may be dating myself here, but I believe this cartoon/live action clip was featured on The Wide World of Disney (Sunday nights at 8:00 pm back in the day). I remember the cartoon bird character and his voice, but I can't really say that I recall what, exactly, was "tough" about being a bird. Well, yesterday I was an actual eye-witness to the trials of our little feathered friend.

So, I walk into a backyard and right by the skimmer box where I put my pool stuff down is a plump little birdie belly-up. sad. Anyone remember the Death Records label from The Phantom of the Paradise? (again, dating myself). I think, "Did the doggies that live here leave me a present? Bad dogs!!"  Maybe Mr. Birdie flew into the window that he was laying by. And then I think..."Oh no, do I have to pick it up and get rid of it? Nasty!!!!!" As I get closer, I see that it is trembling. AAGGHH!!! It's still alive! Now what do I do? I can't just let it suffer, but I'm also not the put-it-out-of-it's-misery type of guy. I'll have to think on this one. Clean the pool-figure it out later.

While I am cleaning I look up and Mr. Birdie has righted himself and is sitting up. It's a Festivus Miracle! Well now. I guess I have to whip out the ole camera, cuz I have a captive audience. I take a few pics up close and go back about my business. I look up again and Mally the Malamute is approaching. "No, Mally", I plead, thinking I'm going to watch a bloodbath before my very eyes. But she's moving slow and comes up and gently nudges Mr. Birdie a couple of times to make sure he is okay and then turns to do her business before going back into the house...whew, that was a close one! Sorry, didn't get that part on camera.

By the time I am done with the pool, Mr. Birdie is looking a lot better, but Max (doggie number two) has not yet emerged and I am afraid he won't be as "motherly" as Mally. I must try to move Mr. Birdie to a safe locale. I gave it my best try, but he wasn't having it and he kind of ruffled his feathers and let out a .... well, let's just say I probably scared the caca out of him. At that point, he was standing and pulling himself together, So I'm going to let myself believe that he gathered his wherewithal and flew the coop.

Fly, Mr. Birdie, fly!!!

Poor Mr. Birdie
Perking Up
So, as you might have guessed, this blog features all sorts of winged creatures. This next pair were on a branch that was cut down from one of our backyard trees. They were taken to the hummingbird hotel to be saved and set free. There is actually a place exclusively for hummingbirds...who knew.

Baby Hummingbirds
I used to have a customer who raised doves. It is amazing how often they have babies. Another nest with an uneven pair of doves. I called the weaker one Fredo.

Baby Doves
Then they have more babies. Apparently, they don't normally let you see them feed. So I was fortunate to get this shot.

Brand New

 They grow up to be so pretty.

This next dove was performing for me. He was trying to get my attention because I was taking pictures of a couple of others in the cage. He kept fluttering around and I finally turned toward him and I got the next two shots.

Show Off
As soon as I got this next one, he stopped.

and for my finale
Last year we were setting up camp at Lake Cachuma and this guy decided to come down and have a look-see.

Red-Tailed Hawk
This next one was taken in Palm Desert at a local park.

Another client of mine has six hummingbird feeders. Sometimes, if I stand still for a minute, there are a whole flock of them flying around my head. It's pretty cool.

A few years ago while Zach and I were in San Antonio, we had a little visitor by the pool.

Pretty Bird
We had another friend in San Antonio. He was a little forward. He kept sticking his head in the window to get the food. He was pecking so forcefully that all the feed was coming out of the baseball cap and he was literally eating out of my lap. You should have heard us screaming like little girls. It was hysterical!

Crazy Bird is smiling at us

And let's not forget Mr. Chicken. He and his buddies live with some horses across the boulevard.

Mr. Chicken
Another backyard bird. I was watering a bush and this little baby flew out but couldn't get very far. I'm not sure if he's a dove or a pigeon.

Baby Bird
And with that, I must fly!

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