Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, November 12, 2012

Run, Forrest, Run!

On Sunday, yesterday, I did the Calabasas Classic 10K . It was a trial run to see if I had it in me and if I have a chance of finishing the half marathon I'm signed up to do in January....YIKES!!! I've done a 10K before, but I believe it's been like 20 years. I only had three goals going in.

1. Finish
2. Don't be last
3. Don't know how many people are behind you (You know, like, there are only five behind me)

A few years ago I did the Disney 5K and there were a sea of people. You just get lost in the middle somewhere and go about your business with no stress. So, I was a little worried when I got to the starting line, because it didn't seem like there were that many people. there is a definite possibility I could be last. On my walks, I WALK. Sometimes, I even meander.

When I did the 5K, I surprised myself and jogged the entire race. I think I finished in about 35 minutes. Being at Disneyland with all the people and getting to run through, well, DISNEYLAND!!!!, it was exciting and exhilarating. I wasn't sure how it would go this time.

I had looked up the race course before I came and they had a "course elevation" graph. Heavens!! It looked like a set of jagged teeth! The Disneyland course was completely flat. Oh, well. I decided that I needed to stop comparing these two races.

So, the race starts and I start jogging....UPHILL! I start getting winded right away and I'm thinking there is no way I'm keeping THIS pace up. So, I find a short-term goal point to stop and walk. Time for a new strategy. Take advantage of the downhills.

This race is just doing the 5K twice. Meaning, the first half is the same as the second half. A little boring, but you know what to expect around the next corner. Into the second mile, I am lapped by the first three runners of the race. When I get to the turn-around, the clock says 41 minutes. The winner of the race finished in 31 minutes and I'm just getting to the half-way point! ONWARD!!

Thankfully, I had an Ipod with headphones and somewhere in the last of the 4th mile this song came on that inspired me to pick up my pace. So, I was jogging and singing in my head like a lunatic, but then I came to my senses and thought, I can't keep this up. I'll kill myself! Then I reached the 5th mile and I got a cramp in my leg.....SEE!!!!!

Well, people, I survived! I finished the race in 1:23:52.6. I came in 202nd overall (31 people behind me) and 24th in my age group. My average time per mile was 13:32. Not killer numbers, but good enough for me.

I'm proud of myself and Billy's proud of me. And that's all I need. Well, that and a shower!

My Wheels
Today's mission

Yes, I can!!!!
I was not thinking about my blog at the time, so most of my pictures are the ones I took on my phone that I was sending to my family to update them on my progress.

Look, Ma, no eyes!

I'm in KNOW I saw celebrities!

I'm Batman!
The next one is a bad picture. I promise there are two people, not one with two arms. Sorry, I was in a race.

Thing One and Thing Two
and Me - in living color!

At Mile Two
Maybe my final time would have been better if I didn't take so many pictures. I can't help it. It kept my mind occupied.

Moving Right Along

Duh, turn the medal around you moron!!!!
Here it is.

2012 Finisher....that's me!
The aftermath.

Racing Remnants
And while we are on the subject, I might as well throw this one in.

Disney 5K - September 4th, 2010
Since I'm a little gimpy, I gave myself the day off. No walk today.

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