Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm a Fungi and I'm Lichen it!

Another morning of not knowing what I was going to talk about. I haven't been on a walk in over a week due to recovery from my 10K, then my slight muscle injury and then more recovery. Really, I'm not much of an athlete at all any more. So sad, I used to be. I spent the entire weekend sitting in my sewing/office/junk room trying to carve a path to the closet. It was not a fun process. I'm really trying to simplify, but it's not an easy trick. You know, pick up a pile of stuff and go through things one by one. Wrestle with myself on whether I need it or not. I am a complete pack rat, to say the least, and ask anybody - cleaning is NOT my forte. I did make a dent though!

So, this morning I was itching to get out and get some fresh air and I was counting on my walk to inspire a subject and...TA DAH!!!! did. I truly belong outside.

After the wonderful rains the ground is all wet and little shoots are already starting to push through the dirt. I stumbled across a little patch of mushrooms all cute and interesting. I am fascinated by the little fungi. They come in such a variety of shapes and sizes. And they taste good, too. I also like moss and lichen. They are so green.


This reminds me of a cartoon....Disney Fantasia?

They grow everything bigger in Texas

Hanging on the fence

Like Little Umbrellas
Sand dollars or Chinese lanterns

Yard Art

A little village

Short and Stubby
Shriveled Shroom

Flat Top

Box O' Shrooms
Sometimes I step on them
Rock Art
Sometimes I draw them
I did a doodle
Sometimes I eat them
Button Mushrooms
We even had them for dinner tonight.


And then there's the token Lichen. Hey, I like the way that sounds...token lichen.

Little Green Flowers

I'm likin' Lichen
Nature Rocks!!!

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