Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, December 10, 2012

Goodbye Fall, Hello Winter

Southern California weather is quite mild. We are the land of palm trees, sunshine and convertibles. Around here the change of season is barely discernible. Even in December, you still find people walking around in tank tops, shorts and sandals. Just last week, I came across pool toys floating in the water that weren't there the week before. Did they REALLY go in? Right now, the pool water temp is about 58 degrees. And, it costs a bloody fortune to heat a pool. Maybe they need to join the Polar Bear Club.

I realize that 58 degrees is The Tropics compared to some areas, but we Californians are quite spoiled. We pride ourselves on being able to go to the beach, the mountains and the desert in one day. We barbecue year round. And, we don't know how to drive in the rain.

I know we are not "officially" in Winter yet, but I saw an unofficial sign that Fall is over at my first pool on Friday morning. I was tossing my net contents in the yard waste bin and I looked in and saw "Fall" had been chucked, in order to make way for "Winter". It was kind of sad and beautiful at the same time.

Still Life

Even Garbage can be Beautiful

Gorgeous Gourds
Today it's in the seventies and beautiful.

Tree Ornaments
 Our trees decorate themselves

A pretty color combo
 And, there's those palm trees

We like to mix things up  
 I thought I'd throw in a couple of Fall pics, just because I can!

Oak Leaves

I love me some pumpkins!

Spiky Things
This was taken in October, but after I played with it in Lightroom, it looked so wintery.

In the shade of the old Oak Tree

Now, it's time for the cold. We actually had a little cold spell back in early November.

 I took a brisk morning walk that day.

Frosty Grass

Icy Carpet

Frosty Fence

Ice Crystals
A chilly soccer match

Good thing they have cleats
About three years ago, I found a puddle of water that had collected in one of the lids on my truck that had frozen solid.

Now this was cold!!

Frozen Disc
I welcome the cold, California style.

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