Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, September 24, 2012

People Watching

There is nothing better than people watching.

I have seen some cute outfits, hairstyles and had some amazing inspiration for the sewing room .I love comparing a kid to it's's nose, dad's eyes, the milkman's hair? Or there is the "What possessed this person to wear the outfit they have on???"  I've seen some good stuff out there. Occasionally you see a "Honey, you should NOT be wearing that!!!!" And then there is our favorite - "Dios Mio!" -  No other words are needed.

You don't always need to be in Walmart to see some doozies. Most of humanity does not qualify for media attention, but every once in a while you've just got to whip your camera out and capture the moment. 

Santa Monica - 3rd Street Promenade
Melancholy Clown

Disneyland - I believe it was the Red Hat Brigade or something because there was a flock of these ladies.

Lady in Red
Venice Beach - Need I say more?

Street Performer
You've got to keep your eyes open and your camera handy.

Rebeca Greene Photography

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fallen friends

And, just like that, it's Fall. I love, love, love Fall!!!! Cooler weather, warm winds and turning leaves (yes, even here in California).

Speaking of leaves...Don't you just love the crunch of a leaf under your foot? I think I actually rate a crunch each time I purposely step on a promising looking leaf. One-being a "pfffft" and Ten-being a wonderfully perfect "BBQ potato chip". I don't know why BBQ, but there it is.

Aaaaaah, Fall

Sidewalk Art

Begging to be crunched

Natural beauty

Tree Flower
I bet you thought this blog was going to be all sad-----PSYCHE!

Rebeca Greene Photography

Let them eat cake

I have to say that I am a big fan of weddings. I love all facets of that magical day. The dress, the flowers, the ceremony, the reception...just everything. Details, details, details. I'm completely taken in by the excitement and "specialness" of it all. So, from time to time, I will be featuring one fabulous part.

Today we visit "The Cake". I usually don't care to eat it. Mostly, I just like to photograph it. 

This first one was quite a show stopper. The outside was actually like a shell of white chocolate. Just beautiful to look at and it was delicious as well. Okay, I do have to try them sometimes.

First Cut

Simply Put

Rebeca Greene Photography

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

End of Summer....Please

I am not one of those people that LOVE summer. About half way through, I am done!!!! Does that make me weird? I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of the heat. Kinda stupid being in the pool business, huh? Not my idea, but it works. Eight years and still going by the way.

Well, while Mother Nature is continuing to d-r-a-g the season out (let's hope it ends soon), I thought I would share a little taste of summer along with the introduction on this blog of my wonderful grandson, Zach. May I add that he is a good sport when it comes to being the subject of many a photo op.


Party at this end of the pool!

Is there something on my back?

A flying totem pole

Um...he's kinda big!!

Get him off of me!!!!!!
For the record, Zach was NOT afraid and our little friend here was conveniently dead, but extremely beautiful. See, even HE was done with summer!!!

Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, September 17, 2012

Who doesn't love a puppy?

I am a proud Grandma. Yes, there's my Zachy, the love of my life. And another day he will be the subject of the daily blog, but today I want to focus on my other grandchildren.

I have four wonderful grand-puppies. Each one is as cute as the other. They provide unconditional love and don't talk back. You don't have to worry about them caving to peer pressure or getting hooked on drugs. They never forget their homework or care about the latest fashion. They're just happy to hang out with you and watch whatever YOU want to watch on tv.

Such wonderful little souls they are.



Greta up close and personal


Riley and Alex


Aren't they adorable?

Rebeca Greene Photography

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Used to hate it, til I ate it

Change can be good.

I was one of those people who clung to my film camera for dear life as the rest of humanity marched on around me. I refused to jump on the Progress Bandwagon. I scoffed at those who told me to get with the program and enter the new age of digital photography....GASP!!!!

Most of these people were just casual picture takers, not passionate photographers. What did THEY know! I tend to be a "make it from scratch" kind of person and I felt like it was a sell out to just snap a quick digital picture without a care in the world. At the start, all I saw was the screen on the back of those little babies and thought, "Where's the fun in that?".... I need a viewfinder that sees the hairs on the back legs of a fly!!!!

Well, apparently, everyone was right and I was...WRONG.  There, I said it - Happy???

I now enjoy clicking away at every little thing that the eye can see. The only care I have is how much space I have left on my C-Drive to hold it all.

Tomato Plant Caterpillar


Tomato Plant
I still own my Pentax film camera, but I doubt I will ever use it again...too expensive. Which I find quite sad.  Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well. (wiping a tear from my eye)

Rebeca Greene Photography

Friday, September 14, 2012

Little Mary Sunshine

This post is not so much about the story as it is about the photography. I ran across a picture I took of an Icelandic Poppy that I thought was post-worthy. So I rooted around and found a few more yellow flowers to round out the bouquet.

I used to hate the color yellow. I have to say that I no longer feel that way. How can you not smile when you see these happy little sun worshippers.

 So, smile away!!!

Icelandic Poppy




Black Eyed Susan



Rebeca Greene Photography

Heart Love

Okay, so while we are on the subject of love, let's get this out of the way. I love hearts. Actually, I love a lot of things, but today we are talking about the beautifully shaped heart. Not sure why, just do.

I used to love pigs. I collected them and had them all over the house. I think I only have a few special ones left. I don't collect hearts. I just like them. Wait, I do collect them on Pinterest. (What a wonderful obsession that is. Don't even get me started.)

I just like to take pictures of hearts and if they are unusual or unique, all the better.

This pic was taken on a local hike in Wildwood.

No warm and fuzzy here!

This one is still growing on the tree as we speak.

Lemon Love
This one was on a hike at "The Grotto" - Malibu Canyon?

Love me like a rock!

This next one has a story.

So, I have lived in my house some 24+ years. I have walked and drove the neighborhood umpteen million times. I probably have rolled to a stop at this corner at the end of my street, oh, about 5,000 times at least. One, day earlier this year, I'm on a walk and I see that the big tree in front of me resembles a bunch of broccoli so I take a picture of it. When I look to see how the shot came out, I see a heart in the background...WHAT???  Here is this little cluster of palms that form a perfect heart. Amazing!!!!

I guess I'm a little slow, but no one in my household has seen it eiither, so I don't feel so bad.

Heart of Palm
Keep the cards and letters coming!!!!

Rebeca Greene Photography

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This is dedicated to the one I love

Last weekend my husband and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary. The hell you say!!  I know, I know, you're wondering....what's our secret?  No???  Well, since I'm running this popsicle stand, I'm gonna tell you anyway.

It's all about the crazy! We drive each other crazy, BUT we are also crazy about each other.

Seriously, we're great friends. I've known him since I was eleven, so we were definitely friends first. Fortunately, there was a lot of chemistry, too. Long story short...he still makes me laugh and for that reason alone, he's a keeper.

The first two pictures were not taken by me, but we'll let that slide this time.

That Special Day
Bill, I love you so...I always will!!

34 years later to the day

My first try at self-timed pictures. Not usually my thing.

Happy Anniversary Honey!

I'm sure you will hear more of our story as the blogs go by, so stay tuned.

George Bailey, I'll love you til the day I die!

Rebeca Greene Photography

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's all the BUZZ about?

So, I'm already having writer's block!! How do I keep the magic alive? What should I talk about next? These were the thoughts racing through my mind as I drifted off to sleep....zzzz.....zzzz...

BUZZ, snort....Wake up...same thoughts still there in the morning. Time for my morning walk. Lots of ideas but nothing forming into a subject of discussion. Then all of a sudden I find myself under a tree that stops me dead in my tracks. There's something about those trees....but I digress.

This tree is BUZZING!!!!!!! Nothing picture-worthy, mind you, but it is alive with a gazillion bees. I just stood there for a moment and thought of movies and cartoons that could have used this exact soundbite. Well, this was the inspiration I needed.

I have some favorite bee pics that I will share with my adoring fans...all three of them. Yes folks, I have some followers now!!! How exciting is that?

It's picture time!


Because you're mine, I walk the line or Line Dancing

Making a break for it
These little babies were at one my pools. The lady said the next door neighbor had a hive in their chimney. Lucky for me, cuz I got some great shots. For them-not so much.

Nice segue to blatant self-promotion....

These pics are also on my flickr photostream. If you click on the cute butterfly at the top left of the page, you will be transported to that very website. If you click on the Rebeca Greene Photography logo, you will be whisked away to my RGP Facebook page. And if you click on the Who's Z? logo, it will take you to my first blog entry that was actually written a year ago.

I must stop now and do the dishes before I leave for work. So TTFN folks!!!!

Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, September 10, 2012

Let's get this party started

Good Afternoon Folkage,

Although at this point I may be talking to myself, I will continue. I realize that between the first two posts I completely changed "who I am" and this may be confusing to some. I will explain. I am, in fact, a multi-faceted individual who also can't seem to stay focused on one thing at at time. I believe I may have A.D.D. or something (no medical backing on this-just personal speculation).

I began as Who's Z Creations and continue to do some things as such. I make my own greeting cards under this name and other "wordy" things. Since that original post though, I have decided to throw my hat in the Professional Photography ring. So I also am building Rebeca Greene Photography as a hobby business and see if it takes off.  Hey, why not?

Now that I have cleared that matter up, onto today's picture...

Okay, so I mentioned I am a multifaceted individual. While photography is my passion, I do have to actually pay bills and contribute to putting a roof over our family's head. Therefore, I have a real job that takes me to wonderful places that I might not get a chance to normally see.

I am, wait for it...a Pool Woman. Yup, I clean people's pools. Not a glamorous profession by any means, BUT it has it's perks. Being a pool tech gets me into some beautiful back yards and let's me see some flora and fauna that I may not otherwise have had a chance to stumble upon. Among my usual pool tools I have, at all times, a camera on me. You just never know what you are going to run into that will never be there again.

Like this little fella....
Stop and smell the roses
Or this guy...

Hello there!

Or maybe just a passing cloud or two that begs to be photographed...

Beautiful Sky
And the last for today, a simple field that blooms without anyone there to notice. Well, I noticed.

Wild Mustard
These creatures and moments of nature sometimes only "pose" for a short window of opportunity afforded me by my humble line of work. I appreciate each glimpse of beauty with every click of the shutter.

Just sharing the love...

Rebeca Greene Photography