Good Afternoon Folkage,
Although at this point I may be talking to myself, I will continue. I realize that between the first two posts I completely changed "who I am" and this may be confusing to some. I will explain. I am, in fact, a multi-faceted individual who also can't seem to stay focused on one thing at at time. I believe I may have A.D.D. or something (no medical backing on this-just personal speculation).
I began as Who's Z Creations and continue to do some things as such. I make my own greeting cards under this name and other "wordy" things. Since that original post though, I have decided to throw my hat in the Professional Photography ring. So I also am building Rebeca Greene Photography as a hobby business and see if it takes off. Hey, why not?
Now that I have cleared that matter up, onto today's picture...
Okay, so I mentioned I am a multifaceted individual. While photography is my passion, I do have to actually pay bills and contribute to putting a roof over our family's head. Therefore, I have a real job that takes me to wonderful places that I might not get a chance to normally see.
I am, wait for it...a Pool Woman. Yup, I clean people's pools. Not a glamorous profession by any means, BUT it has it's perks. Being a pool tech gets me into some beautiful back yards and let's me see some flora and fauna that I may not otherwise have had a chance to stumble upon. Among my usual pool tools I have, at all times, a camera on me. You just never know what you are going to run into that will never be there again.
Like this little fella....
Stop and smell the roses |
Or this guy...
Hello there!
Or maybe just a passing cloud or two that begs to be photographed...
Beautiful Sky |
And the last for today, a simple field that blooms without anyone there to notice. Well, I noticed.
Wild Mustard |
These creatures and moments of nature sometimes only "pose" for a short window of opportunity afforded me by my humble line of work. I appreciate each glimpse of beauty with every click of the shutter.
Just sharing the love...
Rebeca Greene Photography