Rebeca Greene Photography

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's all YOU Baby!

I was not feeling it today. I couldn't seem to pick the right category or decide quite what to do. I have a bunch of stuff on the back burners, but I'm not ready for those yet. I had no real inspiration. Just feeling a little blah about today's post.

In walks my husband and I share my plight. He says "You've got a million pictures at Disneyland and tons of people shots..." So true!

So I start going through all my Disney pics and realize that my kooky husband IS my inspiration. He poses for me all the time. Fun stuff that makes me smile. Why not make HIM the star today? It was his idea, right? 
Whether he's up for it or not, here goes. 

Here are his qualifications: 

He is a character and he's the guy with the kind face. In my book, he gets the job.
Wouldn't you hire this man?
 He's everybody's pal.
Number one Disney Pal
 He's a comedian.
 He can dress it up
Your HAT sir!
You can trust him with the money.
or can you?
He gets along with the kids.
Let me help you with that ice cream little boy.
He really enjoys the rides
or not.
He's a pillar of support
He's always got your back.
He's got nice legs.
Those turkey legs are so tasty!
He will defend my honor
He'll fight the toughest bugs
All in all, he blows me away.
What a trooper
Thanks for making me laugh, Honey. It's one of my favorite things to do.

I think I'll keep him.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Exploring the community

Already in my quest for change I have found new and exciting things to see. My first two adventures on my down days were to uncharted close-by neighborhoods where I found things I never knew existed. I now have an agenda. I copied a page from my Thomas Bros. guide and have highlighted the streets I have been on and intend to hit every accessible street in the city. This may take me years.

One day I found a hiking trail behind an entire neighborhood that I thought was just a street or two. The hiking trail will have to wait. It will take me three separate visits to cover just the new neighborhood alone. Neat houses on big lots with views that go for miles. All less than a couple of miles from my house. It's amazing what ruts we live in.

Another random journey uncovered a community garden. Really??? Again, only a mile from my house in a different direction. I entered and went down row by row checking out the different plots that each had it's own personality. Some were bursting with blooming flowers.

I believe this is a Zinnia

Dainty little Daisies

This center is mesmerizing
Morning Glory

Tender unknown flowers
Some had gone to seed.

uninvited guests
There were some forgotten vegetables that never made it to the kitchen table.

Sad Cucumbers

Deflated Pumpkin
Berries still yet to be picked.

 Interesting markings and gorgeous color combinations
I see a hidden Mickey!!!!!

Looks like something out of a medical journal

Hearty Red Ribs
And then there were the sights that just screamed FALL!!
queue the gray clouds
Variegated Pumpkins

Fall Flower
Last  Leaf
 I will definitely revisit this place as the seasons change.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Jeepers Creepers

This time of year all you see around the streets are creepy things. I figured this might be the perfect opportunity to share my not-so-pretty things. Life is not all cakes and roses, you know. The world is filled with spiders, snakes, scorpions and loads of other stuff that give you the heebee-jeebees.

So this is my disclaimer. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Oh, you know you're curious!!!!

I thought I would start off slow and ease you into it. We'll kick it off with a non-organic creature. This not-so-little guy isn't your normal everyday yard art. To each his own, I guess.
Scorpion Yard Art
Okay, now we go LIVE!
Dr. Sheldon Cooper?
I am fascinated by these unique insects. They are so odd looking.                                                                               

Mini Me
Sometimes I run across odd-shaped vegetation that looks freaky. The fruit below is a strange citrus even in it's normal form. It's called a Buddha Hand Citron and it usually spikes out in all directions like Gidget's flip. But this one looks like a creepy hand. It must have weirded the homeowners out too, because the next week it was gone.

Creepy Hand
Next is an evil tomato. I bet he makes a mean salsa! HAHAHAHA....Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Evil Tomato
One day I ran across this centipede in a spa and took his picture. Then the same afternoon I found this Popsicle stick floating in another pool. What are the chances?!?!
It must have been National Centipede Day
Now I am moving on to the more vile've been warned.

Do you remember Creme Savers? You know those swirly hard candies that came in raspberry, orange and coffee/caramel flavor and they had a raised swirl on the top? Well I got a craving for the coffee ones this afternoon!
I took the next picture with my outdated phone so my apologies for the quality, but the colors and patterns are so pretty.
Snakes are beautiful!
Enter the last and grossest creature of the post. A Trap Door Spider. Not as big as a tarantula, but close. He was in kind of a heap in the bottom of the skimmer basket, so I got a stick and moved his legs to get a good picture. I didn't want to touch him in case he was poisonous. He's not. Then I thought I would take him home and bring him to Zach's school for show and tell. I used to bring in stuff all the time. Hummingbird nests, giant grasshoppers and other bright colored bugs - anything cool. So I stuck him in a ziplock bag and put him on the floor of my truck. Half way through the day I noticed that he had moved and I thought "good thing I put him in a Ziplock!!!!!"- I thought he was dead.

Trap Door Spider or is that Spe-ider?
Gotta love my job. Not for the faint of heart.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

For the love of dog

Our friend the dog is not always a poser, but occasionally you get a good shot in. Some are more willing than others to sit and let me take a million pictures to get just the right one. Like Duke here. He was quite the ham. He is one of the new Kalyra Winery dogs. Such a sweetheart!!!

Can he get any cuter?
I think this next one could use a thought bubble.
What a face!
The next two pics were taken while walking the streets of Portland, Oregon.

Boom, Boom, Boom Woof

So Good!
This guy was sitting ever so patiently waiting for his master who was in the store shopping. What a good doggie!
What a sweetheart!
And then there's Lucy. She is just a puppy and quite full of energy. It was really hard to get a pic out of this one. She just doesn't sit still.....she's all excited!!!


Love me, love my monkey
Another job perk is the puppies!!!! I love most of my pool puppies. I do have some barkers that won't shut up the entire time I'm there, but most of them are completely adorable. These two little cuties are Lola and Sophie. They are very happy to see me and can't wait for me to come in and say hello.
Nosy Little Girls
Sometimes you get the needy dog. When you call them to look at you, they can't just turn and look. They have to come over, so it's hard to get a still picture or not have them right in your face. I like Mally's little tongue action going on here.
Mally the Malamute....get it?

Looking straight through your soul
So many puppies to love.