So, this is Who's Z? Creations

My name and logo stems from a story of when my grandson, Zachary, was just a baby. One morning I was sitting in his cute little room looking at his name made out of wooden letters spelled out on the wall. I got to thinking of everyone's first name in the family and wondered if I could cover the entire alphabet (big family). I was relating the thought to my then-son-in-law and, only missing a few letters, went through the alphabet with a corresponding name. As I approached the end of the alphabet, he asks, "Who's Z?"..."um", I replied, "your son". Well, to this day we still use that line when someone has a Duh-moment...Sorry Chris.
I take pictures of letters in nature and structure and spell names-first and last. I frame them and give them as gifts or do it for you (for a price). Here are a couple I have done:
This one, of course, is my beloved Zachy. Inspired by a happy accident that occurred when a picture I was taking of the letter "C" was double-exposed with the next picture I took of my cutey patootey. Brilliant!!
This is one of my Name Frames given to friends for an anniversary gift.
That is all for now, but I'm just getting started here and have absolutely no idea how this blog thing works, so bear with me and watch it grow.
Who's Z? Creations